What Makes a Great Leader?

Some would argue that doctors don’t make good leaders. Perhaps it’s because their educational curriculum focuses almost exclusively on clinical training to diagnose and treat. Most physicians have very little exposure to business models, organizational development and effective leadership practices.

The fact is, however, that strong leaders are what healthcare needs to evolve into a thriving, efficient industry that fully serves the needs of its patients. This leadership can and should come, in part, from the doctors, nurses and other clinicians who understand it better than anyone.

Doctor and author Christopher Burton makes the case for doctors taking a stronger leadership role and becoming change agents for the betterment of healthcare.

At TinkBird, we’re not only a physician staffing agency. We also have a role in advising medical job candidates in developing their skills to make them stronger contributors to the hospitals and medical practice in which they work. So when it comes to leadership, what attributes define a leader? Glad you asked. Check out what Entrepreneur Magazine has to say about the 22 Qualities That Make a Great Leader.

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