Wellness Wednesdays: Knowing When to Head to the E.R. For the Flu

North Carolina is one of the worst states to be hit by the flu this year. But if you or a family member experience flu symptoms this season, when should you make your way to the E.R.? Find out the answer to this question in this edition of Wellness Wednesdays!

It’s always difficult to determine if your flu symptoms are bad enough to see a doctor or if you should just stay at home and rest. Normal flu symptoms include: coughing, congestion, fever, sore throat and muscle aches. If you experience these symptoms, do not be alarmed. However, children under the age of 5 and adults 65 and older should take extra caution because they are at a higher risk to experience complications from the flu.

The most common complication seen with the flu is sepsis. Sepsis causes chemicals to be released in the body to help fight off the flu bug, but it can also cause inflammation to occur in the body that can be too much for vital organs such as the lungs and kidneys. Nevertheless like all illnesses, if you feel it is necessary to seek medical help, please do not hesitate to see your doctor.

Learn more about abnormal flu symptoms and when to seek medical help by heading over to Yahoo Health.

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