A New HR Mindset for Recruiting Millennial Physicians

As a healthcare staffing firm, we make it our business to understand the workforce’s next generation: Millennials, or Gen Yers. They put friends and lifestyle above work. They tend to delay marriage and having kids for much longer than did the baby boomer generation before them. Their relationship to their direct supervisor or work mentor is a big factor in their job satisfaction. They love working in teams. They are impatient but eager to learn. They have distinct ideas about what they expect from their jobs.

If you’re in business of any type, you probably know that recruiting and retaining Millennials requires a different HR mindset – and recruiting millennial physicians is no different.

This article in Modern Healthcare – Millennial challenge: Different HR approaches needed for new generation of doctors – offers interesting insights to this very topic.

If your facility is seeking to attract and retain a new generation of physicians and other clinical providers, we can help. Contact TinkBird Healthcare Staffing. We currently offer medical job placement in NC, SC, PA and TN.

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