7 Questions Every Locum Tenens Provider Should Ask During an Interview

Studies show that there is a growing shortage of medical providers in the United States, and in the next decade, the problem is only going to get worse. Too many patients are not receiving the care they need, and in-house medical providers are quickly feeling burned out and trapped in a rut. This is where locum tenens medical providers come in.

With the fast pace of today’s medical world, it is counterproductive for medical facilities to ignore the flexibility of locum tenens medical providers, who can help during staff shortages. Already over 50,000 doctors work as locum tenens providers, caring for roughly 7.5 million Americans each year, and the number is estimated to increase by 70,000 by 2030.

Locum tenens providers are helping hospitals save money on overhead and giving doctors more freedom in their work-life balance, but when a locum tenens provider is trying to find a job at a facility, what sort of questions will a good interviewee ask? Here are seven questions a good locum tenens provider should ask during an interview.

What is the reason for the current opening?

You may not want to start the interview with this question, but it’s an important one to ask all the same. Your work situation and future in the facility will differ tremendously if the staff shortage is the result of a financial redevelopment, or if individual doctors are simply on leave.

Have you used locum tenens medical providers before and why have you decided to use locum tenens now?

Ask this question to feel out the interviewer’s attitude towards locum tenens, so you know how to modify your approach. If the interviewer has not used locum tenens providers before, you can take this as an opportunity to explain the importance of temporary workers like yourself, setting a good example for you and others who may interview in the future. If they have used this service before, then they already know the details about your type of work, and you should focus more on your qualifications.

Does this locum tenens medical provider role have long-term potential?

This is an excellent way of letting your interviewer know that you are serious about what you do and that you want to make a lasting impact at the medical facility you are sent to. Though, remember, every locum tenens job is different, and you don’t want to make it seem as if you are not interested in the job if it is only going to be for a short period.

What makes your facility unique?

Locum tenens workers have to be adaptable to a wide variety of situations, and every medical facility is different. You are going to want to know before you show up at work what sort of medicine the clinic or hospital practices, how the place operates and how you can apply your unique talents to help the organization improve. Inquire about what they are known for, what they hope to make better, etc., so that you have a greater knowledge of the job you are applying for while letting the interviewer know that you have a vested interest in the proper functioning of the workplace.

Could you describe the culture of your facility?

Locum tenens medical providers are given the opportunity to explore the country from coast to coast, working with different types of people and learning about various cultures. This sort of job is excellent for people who want to experience a mixture of many distinct environments, so you should ask your interviewer what the people and the culture are like in the place you’re hoping to work at, so you know what to expect before you arrive.

What types of technology do you use?

Another thing to remember is that not all medical facilities use the same technologies. Everything from computer systems to scanning equipment can differ from place to place, so ask for a general overview of the sort of tools and machines that the workplace uses.

What are the goals of your facility moving forward?

Finally, one of the most important questions to ask is about what the interviewer ultimately wants for their medical facility. Do they want to increase their volume? Do they want to give each patient more time with their doctors? Whatever the interviewer wants, ask them about it and then describe why your unique skill set and specialties will help them get there.

Finding the right locum tenens position

If there’s one thing about their job that locum tenens medical providers will tell you, it’s that they don’t feel like just another cog in a machine. Working as a temporary doctor, you are especially appreciated for what makes you different, not the same. Locum tenens providers have much more freedom than in-house doctors, and they have opportunities to help patients wherever patient care is lacking. While the benefits to both medical facilities and locum tenens providers are numerous, it can sometimes prove challenging for the right doctors to get to the places they are needed most. Hopefully, by asking these questions, both you and the interviewer will gain insight into where you are best suited to make a difference.

If you are a locum tenens medical provider looking for a position, TinkBird Healthcare Staffing can help match you with a job that meets your specific needs. With an extensive network of medical facilities across the U.S., TinkBird can connect you with the medical facility you’ve been looking for.



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