How to Decrease Physician Burnout in Your Facility

If the pandemic has proven anything, healthcare workers are essential to our society now and always. There aren’t many other professions as gratifying, but there aren’t many other professions quite so mentally exhausting.

With the high demand for healthcare workers, it is no surprise that burnout is common. About 84% of healthcare workers have stated that the quality time that doctors spend with patients has decreased, with more than 77% of doctors resigning due to burnout. Therefore, it is imperative that healthcare professionals are allowed to have a balanced work life and home life. As a facility manager, your role can have a significant impact on whether your providers have a positive work-life balance or if they are on the verge of burnout. Here are some tips on how to provide the support your healthcare providers need in order to decrease physician burnout in your facility.

Provide basic needs

Think of tangible ways to provide necessities to your staff. For example, consider what foods you can provide. Consider how to keep them feeling safe. If they feel appreciated and well taken care of, there is a much less likely chance to experience burnout.

Once you have decided what needs you can provide, create a way to communicate available resources to all staff members effectively.

Give workers more time to spend with patients

Many physicians and other healthcare workers have stated that they do not have enough time to spend with their patients. However, when a patient is particularly struggling with declining health, the physician tends to feel a stronger need to give them attention. Plus, many aging patients who are experiencing chronic sickness desire more time with their doctors.

These patients need time to ask questions or verbalize concerns that they have. This is why it is crucial to have enough staff members to allow for ample time to focus on a patient’s needs and the ability to develop a relationship with the patient. Hiring locum tenens providers can often ease the burden of an understaffed facility. 

Create space for reflection

As a healthcare worker, a lot can happen during a shift, both physically and emotionally. Staff can become worn out from working long hours, especially when what happens during those hours is challenging.

After an emotionally taxing day, your staff needs the space to think and to process. They need a space to let out their anger and grief or whatever other emotions they are experiencing. This is why it is vital to create a space for individuals to have a safe place to think, reflect and share. Providing this safe space for your staff will also help to decrease physician burnout.

Have help easily accessible

Some staff members may not be ready for the therapy or group sessions that you offer. In addition, they might not even be aware of other resources that can help their specific needs.

Keep a list of resources available for all staff to access. This way, your team can research on their own time what type of help may be right for them. The ability to be discrete about who is receiving support is also beneficial to staff members reaching out.

Measure stress

Keep an eye out for staff members and regularly check their stress levels. Give surveys to determine how to specifically meet the needs of staff and meet the needs of the future.

Comments received from staff can be highly beneficial. Encourage staff to take care of their mental health and be open to those sharing when they feel overworked, overtired, depressed or on the verge of burnout.

It is important to detect the stress before it becomes overbearing for the individual to handle. The quicker that the issue is detected, the faster the treatment can begin.

Encourage hobbies

Hobbies are an essential part of an individual’s life, no matter what their profession. It gives a person time to realize what they enjoy doing in their free time. It also gives them a chance to focus on something other than work, chores, family or other responsibilities. “Me time” is a time for everyone to relax and recharge.

If you notice any staff members exhibiting signs of burnout, be sure to reach out to them. Ensuring that individuals have a proper work-life balance can help avoid losing members of your staff due to burnout. 

Finding locum tenens providers to help fill the gaps

Hiring an extra set of hands can have a positive impact on your entire facility. Working with a locum tenens provider can allow your staff more time with patients and decrease physician burnout. TinkBird’s personalized service covers the entire nation to staff medical facilities with qualified candidates. Contact us today to see what TinkBird can do for you.


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