Fostering the Success of Locum Tenens Providers: A Guide for Medical Facilities

85% of healthcare practices use locum tenens providers to fill in a lack of full-time positions in their hospitals and offices. Healthcare facilities started working with locum tenens in the early 1970s when small towns were under-staffed and needed more medical help. Many doctors now choose a career as locum tenens because they enjoy flexible schedules, travel opportunities, extra income and clinical experiences. If you are a healthcare practice or hospital looking for more help, a locum doctor is perfect for you. But, properly onboarding your new locum tenens provider is vital in ensuring the most effective workflow. In this guide, you will learn how to foster success for locum tenens providers. 

Create a welcome packet

Before your temporary provider arrives, you need to have a welcome packet ready for them. A welcome folder will hold information like building maps, computer login information, staff names and numbers, patient lists, temporary id, parking instructions, prescription pads, cafeteria hours, and other relevant information. Having all this information available for your locum tenens will make the process of them joining the team easier. 

Plan a one-day orientation

Locum tenens are familiar with short orientations. They are usually thrown into work their first or second day. To make your temporary provider comfortable with your staff, rules and practice, schedule at least one full day of orientation. 

At orientation, give them their welcome packet, answer questions, take them on a facility tour, introduce them to other staff members, and explain their role while they are there. Some practices prefer a half-day orientation but always talk to your locum tenens to see what they are most comfortable with. 

Also, remember not to overwhelm your temporary provider with work. Give them time to adjust to the job and area. 

Assign a buddy

New buildings, coworkers and patients can be overwhelming. Remember the days when you got lost all the time? To make things work smoothly in your office, assign a buddy to your locum tenens. 

This buddy can help your temporary worker get used to other staff members, long-term patients and the building. Before the locum tenens arrives, ask around the office to see what staff members feel comfortable showing the new worker around. 

Notify IT

Since locum tenens are only at your practice for a short time, it is best to have login information, ID cards and other technical information set up ahead of time. You need to notify your IT specialists about five to seven days before the temporary physician arrives. 

Make sure to give IT all your locum tenens’ information so they can get information entered into the computer system. If any issues arise while the part-time physician is trying to log in, make sure to have IT’s contact information on hand. 

Prepare prescription pads

For offices or hospitals that prescribe medication to patients, you need to prepare your locum tenens prescription pads in advance. Even though many places use EMR (e-prescribe) to print patients’ prescriptions, many practices still use paper and pen to write down medication or medical equipment prescriptions. 

If possible, order them about two to four weeks before the part-time doctor arrives. Ordering ahead of time solves any last-minute prepping. Make sure the pad includes their first and last name and NPI/DEA number. Once these notepads arrive at your office, place them in the locum tenens’ orientation packet. 

Invite them to a meal

Many locum tenens arrive in cities and towns that they know nothing about or know no one. Make your temporary employee feel welcome by inviting them to lunch or dinner. 

Eating a meal together is also a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the part-time physician. Plus, it is a great way to break the ice and make the locum tenens less nervous. Remember, this invite is not an interview, so try to ask appropriate questions. 

Pre-plan return visits

If you enjoyed working with your locum tenens, you could hire them back on for a future visit. However, locum tenens schedules do fill quite fast, especially if they are popular and have loads of experience. After the temporary doctor finishes their work stay, go ahead and schedule their return visit through your locum tenens staffing company. It will take months before they return in many cases, but at least you have them already scheduled. 

Find successful locum tenens providers

Due to COVID-19, many more hospitals and offices hire these temporary staff members to help keep up with the influx of patients. Your practice can benefit from working with one of these doctors. By following these tips above, each locum tenens you hire will be set up for success while working at your hospital or office. If you’re hoping to find the right locum tenens provider for your facility, please contact a TinkBird Healthcare Staffing representative today.

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